Properties of Plastics

Synthetic Fibres and Plastics II - Concepts
Class - Navodaya Entrance 9th Subjects
Concept Explanation

Properties of Plastics

The first man - made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes who publicly demonstrated it in 1862 at the Great International Exhibition in London. Plastic is an organic material of high molecular weight with specific properties. Most of the plastics are polymers having long chains.

A  plastic is a synthetic material, which can be moulded or set into any desired shape when soft, and then harden to produce articles. Some plastics have lined some have cross links. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals, but many are partially natural.

Properties of Plastics:

Although different types of plastics differ in some physical and chemical properties, the following properties are common to most of them.

  • Thermal conductivity: ‘Thermal’ means ‘relating to or associated with heat’. Plastics are poor conductors of heat, which make them suitable for making handles of cooking vessels, Use in refrigerators as foam core, making containers used in microwave ovens.
  • Electrical conductivity: Plastics are poor conductors of electricity. They are used as covering materials in electrical appliances, cords, electrical outlets, and wiring.
  • Solubility in water: Plastics are insoluble in water and it is used for making bottles, buckets, and other containers used for storing water.
  • Effect of flame: Most plastics are inflammable, they catch fire easily.
  • Chemical Reactivity: Plastics are not affected by acids and alkalies. They do not corrode or rust. It is used in homes and laboratories for storing chemicals like acids and bleaches.
  • Toughness of Tensile Strength: Plastics have much less toughness as compared to metals & Alloys like steel.
  • Light Weight: Plastics are much lighter in weight as compared to wood, metals etc.
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    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Plastic are mainly used by everyone because.

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    Plastics are generally made from ______________

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

    The first man-made plastic was created by ______________ .

    Right Option : A
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